International Congressl

The Integration of European Policies in the Iberian Area

Luso-Hispanic and International Perspectives in a Procedural Context

17th and 18th September 2024 - Universidade Portucalense

The International Congress – The Integration of European Policies in the Iberian Area: Luso-Hispanic and International Perspectives in a Procedural Context – aims to promote reflection in three fundamental areas of research:

  1. Collective actions, aiming to address how the European Directive on this matter was transposed into Portuguese and Spanish law, comparing it with the system in place at the international level;
  2. Online dispute resolution, aiming to examine the developments in digital platforms for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), considering the recent approval of the European AI Regulation;
  3. the provision of mechanisms applicable to vulnerable people in judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution.

Given the intricate system of distribution of competences between the European Union (EU) and the Member States, there is an increasing number of areas areas where the Union influences national policies, particularly in the justice sector. In this context, it is crucial to examine how European policies impact national legislation in an area where the Union and the Member States can legislate and adopt legally binding acts.
Therefore, the mission of this Congress is to bring together researchers and professionals from the Iberian and international domain who, through their scientific studies and practical experiences, can contribute to the analysis of the impact of European procedural policies in the Iberian context within the three areas of study of the IBEROPROCELAW project.

Call for Papers

The Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and the Universidade Portucalense, as well as the Leiria branch of the IJP, invite the academic community to take part in the International Congress IBEROPROCELAW – The Integration of European Policies in the Iberian Area: Luso-Hispanic and International Perspectives in a Procedural Context, which will take place on 17 and 18 September 2024, in a hybrid format, in person and online, through the Colibri/Zoom platform.
The submission of abstracts for the International Congress – The Integration of European Policies in the Iberian Space: Luso-Hispanic and International Perspectives in a Procedural Context, held within the scope of the IBEROPROCELAW Project of the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense/UPT, is now open until 8 September 2024.
The papers to be presented should fit within the following three research areas:

I. Collective Actions
II. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
III. Vulnerable people and Conflict Resolution

Recipients: Doctors, Masters, Doctoral students and Master’s students
Abstracts should include:

  • Identification and affiliation;
  • Scientific area of interest
  • Title, keywords (5) and abstract (up to 600 words).
    Papers are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English
  • The abstract  can be sent to
    It is compulsory to register under the conditions below.
    If you choose the ‘paper and extended abstract’ option, the final text must be sent by 15 September 2024 to .

    The extended abstract must be submitted in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, and up to 7 pages in length. Specific citation guidelines are not required at this stage; they will be provided later to ensure compliance with the style rules of the proceedings book, as long as the submission meets the scientific criteria for double-blind peer review.

Papers are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English
The abstract can be sent to
Registration is mandatory under the following conditions
If you choose the ‘paper and extended abstract’ option, the final text must be sent by 15 September 2024 to .

The extended abstract must be submitted in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, and up to 7 pages in length. Specific citation guidelines are not required at this stage; they will be provided later to ensure compliance with the style rules of the proceedings book, as long as the submission meets the scientific criteria for double-blind peer review.


Registration for Abstract submission is mandatory until 8 September 2024. Registration for Listeners and Students will be open until 16 September.

Scientific Committee

Arturo Alvarez Alarcón

Universidade de Cádiz

Cátia Cebola

IPLeiria | IJP

Esther Pillado González


Fernando Martín Diz

Universidade de Salamanca

Flávia Pereira Hill


Irina Izarova

Donau-Universität Krems

Leticia Fontestad Portales

Universidade de Málaga

Isabel Villar Fuentes

Lurdes Mesquita


Pablo García Molina

Universidade de Valência

Silvia Barona Vilar

Universidade de Valência

Susana Sardinha

IPLeiria | IJP

Organising Committee

Cátia Marques Cebola

Lurdes Varregoso Mesquita

Susana Sardinha Monteiro


With the support of the UIDB/04112/2020 Programme Contract, financed by national funds through FCT I.P.

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