From Human Rights to Children's Rights

Based on the expertise of a transdisciplinary team made up of researchers from different areas, such as Law, Psychology, Education, Sociology, History, Health, International Relations, Marketing and Statistics, the aim of this project is to help improve the dissemination and application of specific legislative guidelines and regulations on children’s rights in Portugal, Spain and Brazil, with special attention to the CRC. To do this, as a first step, it is necessary to find out the current state of affairs. In order to carry out this task – applying the Questionnaire to be constructed “Being a Child with Rights” – we will survey children, parents and teachers on the degree of knowledge and compliance with the actions set out in the CRC so that, in a second phase, based on the results obtained, we can design Parental Training programmes and, within this framework, implement Training actions for professionals in the fields of Psychology, Education, Law, Health, Social Work and other related areas. Finally, we intend to use the results and disseminate them to academia and relevant stakeholders – policymakers, educators and civil society in general – to increase the transfer of knowledge and progress in this field.
Two scientific events will be held and papers presented at national and international conferences. congresses. The research resulting from the work will be published in national and international journals.

Leading Research Group: Persons

Sustainable Development Goals


Olívia Carvalho

Investigadora Responsável

Paulo Sargento dos Santos

Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches

Pedro Garrido Rodriguez

Universidade de Salamanca

Sónia Alexandre Galinha

Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém

Susana Almeida

IJP | IPLeiria

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