Health4All in the 21st Century

The Health4All Research Project is a collaborative effort between the Portucalense Institute for Legal Research, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, and the International Chair of Bioethics. The collaboration of these three institutions in this research project brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts who can comprehensively tackle the complex issues related to health policies, sustainability, and bioethics. The project is a research activity of the International Chair of Bioethics Unit functioning at UPT, which underscores the ICB’s commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of bioethics and promoting ethical practices in healthcare. Health policies are critical in ensuring individuals have access to quality healthcare services. However, it is essential to ensure that health policies align with sustainability and bioethical principles. This research project explores the intersection of health policies, sustainability, and bioethical issues. The studies will employ a mixed-methods approach involving qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The findings of our research will provide insights into how health policymakers can create sustainable healthcare systems that prioritize ethical principles and ensure the well-being of patients and the planet.


Eva Dias Costa

Responsible Researcher

Rui Nunes

Co-Responsible Researcher
Faculdade de Medicina da UP

Ana Rita Araújo

Phd Student

Beatriz Edra

Escola Superior de Saúde da Santa Maria

Clara de Sousa Alves

PhD Student

Daniela Alves

Faculdade de Medicina da UP

Diamantino Ribeiro

IJP e CEFAGE – Universidade de Évora

Dora Alves


Guilhermina Rego

Faculdade de Medicina da UP

João Ribeiro

Universidade da Beira Interior

Murillo Carrera


Paulo Maia

Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar

Shital Jayantilal



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