PhD Student: Ana Rita Ferreira Araújo
Supervisor: Eva Dias Costa
Surrogate Pregnancy - Ethical and Legal Dilemmas
PhD Student: Mariana Dominges
Supervisor: Ana Conde, Maria Xavier Araújo
PhD in Clinical Psychology and Counselling
FAN: Psychological Intervention for Food Allergy and Neophobia
Master Student: Paula Viana Pereira Brandão
Supervisor: Eva Dias Costa
Master's Degree in Law from Portucalense University, Specialization in Legal and Political Sciences
Theme - "Living Will - Instrument of protection of the dignity of the human person and the study of its practical application"
Master Student:Ludmila Barbalho Mota Brandão
Supervisor: Eva Dias Costa
Master's Degree in Law from Portucalense University, Specialization in Legal and Political Sciences
Theme - "The invalidity of the living will in the Brazilian legal system"
Master student: Katherine Duarte Guimarães
Supervisor: Mónica Romano e Martinez Leite de Castro e Eva Dias Costa
Master's Degree in Law from Portucalense University, Specialization in Legal and Political Sciences
Theme: The civil liability of physicians and “digital influencers” in advertising plastic surgery
Master student: Clara Kelliany Rodrigues de Brito
Supervisor: Eva Dias Costa e Pedro Ponte e Sousa
Master's Degree in Law from Portucalense University, Specialization in Legal and Political Sciences
Theme: The Covid 19 pandemic and the realization of the human right to health in Brazil: an analysis based on the realistic utopia of human rights by Jurgen Habermas