Impasses and Contrarieties in 21st Century Criminal Procedure – Considerations on Sexual and Gender Violence among Minors

On 27 May, at 2.30pm, at the University of Portucalense (Auditorium 201), the International Conference on “IMPASSES AND CONTRARIETIES IN THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE OF THE 21st CENTURY – CONSIDERATIONS ON SEXUAL AND GENDER VIOLENCE BETWEEN MINORS” will take place, as part of the CrimProcLAW Project of the Portucalense Legal Institute.
In a partnership aimed at sharing experiences, deepening research and promoting international relations, the papers will be given by researchers from the University of Vigo and the Portucalense Legal Institute.
Admission is free and not subject to registration.

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Impasses and Contrarieties in 21st Century Criminal Procedure – Considerations on Sexual and Gender Violence among Minors
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