Events - Consumers Law: New Approaches to Digital Economy


As part of the IJP’s ‘People Group’ project Consumer Law: New Approaches in the Digital Economy the Webinar Consumers in the 21st Century: Some Approaches, was held on 29 November.


Participation of Fernanda Rebelo as a speaker in the 2nd edition of the course Legal Research: What is it and how is it done? in the panel dedicated to “Consumer Law”, organised by CNED, in conjunction with the Infante D. Henrique University of Portucalense Students Group for Law and International Relations (NEDRI), UPT, 2 March 2023.

Participation as speakers of Fernanda Rebelo and Isa Pinto Pereira in the 12th Consumer Law Seminars – “The Europe of Consumers: new agenda on the march” – 15th March 2023, organized in partnership with apDC (Portuguese Consumer Law Association) and ESTG IPLeiria (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Politécnico de Leiria).


Participação de Ana Amorim no Seminário “Economia Colaborativa: o dia seguinte”, com o tema “Concorrência desleal e práticas comerciais desleais na economia colaborativa” – Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, 18 de maio de 2023

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