II International Congress

Civil Procedural Law

The Challenges of De-Judicialising Justice

The 2nd edition of the International Congress of Civil Procedural Law is dedicated to the CHALLENGES OF DISJUDICIALISING JUSTICE. At a time when the courts are still inefficient, inaccessible, time-consuming and costly, demands have been made for a justice system that is closer to the citizen, with a view to effectively realising the right of access to justice.
It is therefore time to give space to the study of DISJUDICIALISATION, as a phenomenon that diverts the resolution of some disputes to public services and private entities, seeking to provide a faster, more effective, sometimes less costly response, often based on consensus, and always in search of the means that are most appropriate to the nature of the dispute.
The challenges that this alternative path faces and provides are demanding. They take into account new social realities, transparency, efficiency, accessibility, new technologies, artificial intelligence and, among other things, the specificities of each branch of law.
Therefore, and also in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in particular those of promoting the rule of law at national and international level and guaranteeing equal access to justice for all, it is topical and of practical and academic interest to critically analyse and present innovative proposals for procedural solutions that fit into this context. It is consequently the mission of this Congress to bring together researchers and professionals who, through their scientific studies and practical experiences, can contribute to the analysis of the impact of De-Judicialisation on the various areas of law and, above all, on the lives of citizens.

Call for Papers

Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and Universidade Portucalense, in partnership with Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Estácio de Sá, Universidade de Vigo, Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual, Associação Brasileira Elas no Processo and Associação dos Registradores Civis de Pessoas Naturais do Brasil (ARPEN BR), invite the academic community to participate in the II International Congress of Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of De-Judicialisation of Justice, to be held on 15 and 16 December 2023, in a hybrid format, in person and online, through the Colibri/Zoom platform.

The period for submitting abstracts for the II International Congress on Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of De-Judicialisation of Justice, held as part of the ARBLAW Project of the Portucalense Legal Institute/UPT, is now open until December 10, 2023.

The Congress will take place on 15 and 16 December, both online and in person, at UPT.

The papers to be presented should fall within the following lines of research:

  • Judicialisation: legislative options in perspective
  • Current issues in voluntary arbitration (international or domestic)
  • Consumer arbitration
  • Administrative and tax arbitration
  • Other arbitrations
  • Mediation
  • Other forms of de-judicialisation

Recipients: PhD, Masters, PhD students and Master’s students

Abstracts should include:

  • Identification and affiliation;
  • Thematic line of interest;
  • Title, keywords (5) and abstract (up to 600 words).

Protocoled Journals (SCOPUS)

Scientific articles submitted to the Congress, provided they fulfil the necessary scientific conditions ascertained through double-blind peer review, will have the possibility of publication in the legal journals on file.

Papers are accepted in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.

The communication and/or paper can be co-authored (max. 2 authors, as long as one of them is a Doctor/Master or Doctorate/Master student). In the case of co-authorship, the enrolment/registration of both authors is compulsory.

The abstract of the communication and/or paper (optional) can be sent to ci-dpc@upt.pt.

If you choose the “communication and paper” option, the scientific article must be sent by 15 January 2024 to ci-dpc@upt.pt .

The scientific article must be presented in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, and be between 15 and 20 pages long. No specific citation rules are required, which will be indicated later for adaptation according to the style rules of the journal to which the text will be submitted, as long as it scientifically fulfils the conditions for double-blind peer review.


Registration is required by 13th December

Protocoled Journals (Scopus)

Scientific Committee

Bárbara Magalhães


Esther Pillado Gonzállez


Flávia Pereira Hill


Humberto Dalla Bernardino de Pinho


Lurdes Mesquita


Maria João Mimoso


Maria do Rosário Anjos

ULusófona | IJP

Suzana Costa



With the support of the Programme Contract UIDB/04112/2020, financed by national funds through FCT I.P.

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