Welcome to our Research Group!

The Procedural Law Research Group of the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense is composed of researchers specialising in the investigation of current issues of procedural law and dispute resolution, in an interdisciplinary approach regarding the several procedural laws, including Constitutional, European Union, Civil, Criminal, Administrative and Tax Law. It also aims to research and study the ADR and ODR, namely mediation and arbitration, as part of the wide conception of access to justice.

Research Team

Integrated Researchers

Oleksii Makarenkov

Investigador Júnior

Suzana Costa

UPT e P. Cávado e do Ave

Collaborating Researchers

Flavia Pereira Hill

UERJ (Brazil)

Iryna Izarova

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Marco Antonio Rodrigues

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Marcus Alan de Melo Gomes

Universidade Federal do Pará (Brazil)

Miguel Serra

P. Castelo Branco

Paulo Ramon Suárez Xavier

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

Wojciech Dajczak

Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

PhD students

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