The collective work O Consumidor no Século XXI: Algumas Abordagens na Economia Digital* (The Consumer in the 21st Century: Some Approaches in the Digital Economy in a free translation) has been recently released. It is the result of the webinar The Consumer of the 21st Century: New Approaches (held on November 29, 2023, as part of the project Consumer Law: New Approaches in the Digital Economy).
Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Fernanda Rebelo (Coordinator of the “People” group) and published by Almedina Group, the work brings together contributions from researchers at the Portucalense Legal Institute (IJP) and its Lisbon and Leiria branches, as well as collaborators from the Directorate-General for Consumers (DGC), Portuguese Association for Consumer Law (apDC), Arbrital Consumer Court (CICAP), and the Bank of Portugal (BP) – all partner organizations of the event.
The work is available in open access at:
*This work was supported by the UIDB/04112/2020 Program Contract, funded by national funds through the FCT I.P.