On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the José Saramago Library of the Polytechnic of Leiria hosted the public presentation of the collective work “The European and Inter-American Systems for the Protection of Human Rights: a Comparative Reading”* (free translation). ⠀⠀⠀⠀ The presentation was led by the former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Ireneu Cabral Barreto, alongside Professor Susana Almeida, Director of the IJP’s Leiria hub, and other experts. The session also featured the presence of the Director of the Portucalense Legal Institute, Prof. Maria Manuela Magalhães, alongside IJP researchers from UPT and IPLeiria. Coordinated by Susana Almeida and Andrés Rousset (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina), this work brings together the collaboration of around 60 authors from Portugal, Spain and various Latin American countries, including several contributions from IJP researchers. The publication is available in open access at the following link: Os Sistemas Europeu e Interamericano de Proteção de Direitos Humanos: uma Leitura Comparada. *This work was supported by the UIDB/04112/2020 Program Contract, funded by national funds through the FCT I.P.