
Nomination of the directive committee IJP

The coordinators of the Research Groups, Prof. Dr Eva Dias Costa(Heritage), Prof Dr Fernanda Neves Rebelo (People), Prof Dr Lurdes Mesquita (Process) and Prof Dr Pascoal Pereira (Politics and Governance) are appointed to integrate the directive committee of Instituto Jurídico Portucalense.

II International Congress of Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of De-Judicialisation of Justice

15 and 16 December 2023 Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and Universidade Portucalense, in partnership with Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Estácio de Sá, Universidade de Vigo, Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual, Associação Brasileira Elas no Processo and Associação dos Registradores Civis de Pessoas Naturais do Brasil (ARPEN BR), invite the academic community to participate in the II International Congress of Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of De-Judicialisation of Justice, to be held on 15 and 16 December 2023, in a hybrid format, in person and online, through the Colibri/Zoom platform.The period for submitting abstracts for the II International Congress on Civil Procedural Law – The Challenges of De-Judicialisation of Justice, held as part of the ARBLAW Project of the Portucalense Legal Institute/UPT, is now open until December 3, 2023.The Congress will take place on 15 and 16 December, both online and in person, at UPT. Contacts: Click here for more information

Video Presentation – ARBLAW congress

This was the inaugural conference of the ARBLAW – ARBITRATION AND ACCESS TO LAW research project, which discussed and reflected on current issues in the field of access to justice and voluntary arbitration, both national and international, in the various aspects that this involves: administrative, tax, consumer and international. As well as issues arising from the application of new technologies and artificial intelligence to arbitration.

Luso-Brazilian Dialogue on Arbitration and Other Forms of De-Judicialisation

Portucalense Law Institute and IJP-IPLeiria organised an international seminar on Portuguese-Brazilian dialogue on arbitration and other forms of de-judicialisation, as part of the work of the ARBLAW research project, with support from the Foundation for Science and Technology. Arbitration and other forms of de-judicialisation were discussed, in dialogue with the experience of the Brazilian legal system in private and public law disputes. We will have the honour of welcoming Professors Flávia Pereira Hill and Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, renowned proceduralists, who will be in dialogue with Portuguese experts in the field and IJP researchers. The Portuguese Consumer Law Association is also collaborating in this initiative. Program

Inaugural Congress ARBLAW Research Project – ARBITRATION AND ACCESS TO LAW

Inaugural Congress of the ARBLAW Research Project – ARBITRATION AND ACCESS TO LAW, in which current issues in the field of access to justice and voluntary arbitration, national and international, are discussed and reflected upon, in the various aspects that this theme encompasses: administrative, tax, consumer and international. As well as, the issues resulting from the application of new technologies and artificial intelligence to arbitration justice. The organization had the collaboration of the Legal Institute, the Department of Law and, in particular, the ESLA-Portucalense, in a fruitful partnership between research and teaching.

Seminar on the law of mediation of conflicts

Launch of the collective work “A Lei da Mediação de Conflitos: estudos sobre a sua aplicação”, on June 19th, at 10.30am, at the José Saramago Library, in Leiria (IJP – IPLeiria Pole); Seminar on “The Law of Conflict Mediation: studies on its application”, on the same day and place. These events are held under the MEDLAW Project, coordinated by Researcher Professor Cátia Marques Cebola, of IJP IPLeiria, and include the participation of researchers from the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (UPT and IPLeiria), in addition to other experts in the field. The collective work will be published by Almedina, in open access.

International Congress Human Rights and Gender Equality in the construction of citizenship

October 2023 will mark the 60th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the journal Cuadernos para issue of the journal Cuadernos para el Diálogo. A journal of political education and creation of thought which, in a short time, was at the forefront of the non-daily “political press” of the time, and which constituted, in many ways, a point of reference in the of the non-daily “political press” of the time, and which constituted, in many ways, a point of reference for the construction of Spanish democracy. The aim of this conference is to reflect on this contribution in the context of the end of the Spanish democracy. this contribution in the context of the end of the Franco dictatorship and the subsequent political transition. political transition. Translated with (free version) Further Info

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