Investigação à Conversa… sobre Impasses e Contrariedades no Processo Penal do Século

On March 14, 2025, at 2:30 PM, the Portucalense Legal Institute will host the webinar Investigação à Conversa… sobre Impasses e Contrariedades no Processo Penal do Século XXI.

This initiative aims to present and discuss topics related to the ongoing research findings of PhD students participating in the project Impasses and Setbacks in 21st Century Criminal Procedure.

The event is open to the entire academic community, particularly undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students in Law, as well as professionals in the field.


14h30 – Opening session

Maria Manuela Magalhães Silva (Head of Portucalense Legal Institute)

14h45 – Tendências político-criminais do processo penal no Brasil: entre conquistas e desafios

Alan Marcus Gomes (Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of the Federal University of Pará, Brazil; Law Judge and collaborating researcher at the IJP)


Ana Paula Guimarães (Associate Professor at UPT and Responsible Researcher of the project “Impasses and Setbacks in 21st Century Criminal Procedure”)
Lurdes Varregoso Mesquita (Assistant Professor at UPT and Coordinator of the Procedure Law research group)

15h45 – Investigadores à Conversa… (“Researchers on table…”)

Prova penal científica para lá da perícia
Carlos Medeiros (PhD candidate IJP-UPT)

Da prova a valoração da confissão no âmbito da tramitação processual
Marco Rodrigues (PhD candidate IJP-UPT)

Seletividade Penal, Justiça Punitiva; Fruto da Árvore Envenenada e a Erosão das Garantias no Processo Penal
Márcia Aparecida Clemente (PhD candidate IJP-UPT)

16h45 – Closing

Scientific and Executive Committee: Ana Paula Guimarães e Lurdes Varregoso Mesquita


Investigação à Conversa… sobre Impasses e Contrariedades no Processo Penal do Século
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