
Diplomacy and Negotiation in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities

Call for Papers Inscrição para assistir ao evento Programa O Instituto Jurídico Portucalense da Universidade Portucalense e o Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, organizam a Conferência Diplomacia e Negociação no séc. XXI: desafios e oportunidades, a realizar-se a 24 de maio de 2023 na Aula Magna da Universidade Portucalense, na cidade do Porto. O programa conta com a participação de um keynote speaker que refletirá sobre o tema da conferência, bem como com o desdobramento em dois painéis distintos: o painel intitulado “O papel das negociações diplomáticas na política internacional”, onde convidados especialistas na área abordarão temas correlacionados com a sua área de atuação e investigação, identificando problemas e questões pertinentes; e um segundo painel intitulado “Negociações diplomáticas e estudos de caso”, aberto a todos os estudantes e à comunidade científica, possibilitando a disseminação de conhecimento de tópicos diversos na área das negociações diplomáticas. Para mais informações, contacte-nos através do email: Comissão Organizadora André Pereira Matos Bruno Fonseca Comissão Científica André Pereira Matos – IJP-UPT Bruno Santos Fonseca – IPRI-UNL Pascoal Pereira – IJP-UPT Pedro Ponte e Sousa – IPRI e UPT Sónia Sénica – IPRI-UNL Tiago Lopes – IJP-UPT Vanda Amaro Dias – CES-UC

15th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law

The World Conference offers its participants an international platform for fruitful scientific discourse on more than 70 topics and subtopics in the fields of bioethics, medical ethics, and health law. Moreover, it is an excellent opportunity to create professional and personal connections with those who lead the field of bioethics in the world. further information

EDULAW Transnational Project Meeting

The pathway to European Smart Education in the Agri- Environmental Law under the Covid-19 Crisis 11th October 2 School of Technology and Management Campus 2 Polytecnic of Leiria Morro do Lena — Alto Vieiro 2411-901  Leiria Portugal Poster

European EN4s Project – Final Experts Meeting held in Albania

The final conference and the experts meeting of the European project EN4s – Diversity of enforcement titles in cross-border debt recovery in the EU took place last March 3 and 4 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tirana, Albania. ESTG teachers Eugénio Lucas and Cátia Cebola, and José Caramelo Gomes and Lurdes Mesquita from IJP are part of this European project. This project started on 27 June 2019 and is in its final phase, having as partners a consortium composed of universities from15 European Union Member States and 1 partner from a European Union Candidate State. Of the many obstacles facing cross-border judicial enforcement, perhaps the most relevant is the lack of mutual trust between the national authorities of different EU Member States. National authorities deal with enforcement orders from other Member States with reservations and mistrust. This problem is exacerbated by the diversity of enforcement orders existing in the various Member States, notably as regards their structure and effects. The project aims to analyse these differences and address the problems identified, with the main objective of strengthening mutual trust. The objectives of the project are the following: – Contribute to the comparative analysis of dogmatic and empirical concepts in the field of enforceable titles, namely judgements, court settlements and authentic instruments, in order to facilitate a better understanding of the rules in force in the Member States regarding their legal effects (e.g. res judicata), especially when several Member States are involved, thus enhancing cross-border effects, especially in the light of the regime established by the Brussels I Regulation for recognition and enforcement of judgements; – Clarify the meaning of complex notions such as cause of action, irreconcilability of judgments and related actions; – To study in a developed manner the role of authentic instruments, especially with regard to notarial acts with enforceability; – Prepare a useful handbook for authorities with enforcement functions, providing a concise overview of examples of enforcement titles and foreign proceedings; – Improving the certificate of enforceability in the Member State of origin; – Test arguments for abolishing the public policy reservation; – Draw up proposals to help reduce, if not eliminate, terminological obstacles; – Create a prototype of an IT tool (aptly named “Enforcement Oracle”) where practitioners, in an interactive manner, could quickly become acquainted with the specificities of foreign enforcement titles. – Analyse perspectives for future automated cross-border enforcement procedures. The EU-En4s project is co-funded by the EU Justice Programme (2014-2020). The primary objective is to promote judicial cooperation in civil matters and to contribute to the effective and consistent application and enforcement of EU legal instruments. Previous Next

I Conference on Labour Law

I Jornadas de Direito do Trabalho 24th November | 2.00 pm Conferences held within the scope of the “New Challenges of Labor Law” project. Coordination: Tiago Pimenta Fernandes   Program 2pm Opening Session 2.10pm Ana Lambelho (Polytechnician of Leiria) “How to regulate workers’ right to disconnect” 2.30pm Lourdes Mella Méndez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) “The Spanish regulation of home delivery platform workers” 2.50pm Maria João Machado (Politécnico do Porto) “The new work models – challenges and opportunities” 3.10pm Esperanza Benítez (Universidade de Sevilha) “The European Pillar of Social Rights of the EU and the social protection of remote workers” 3.30pm Sónia Carvalho (Universidade Portucalense) “telecommuting : waiting for an upgrade” 3.50pm Debate 4.00pm Closing Session

International Conference on the Responsibility of States and International Organizations and the Covid-19 Pandemic – Inscription Here

Video: International Conference on the Responsibility of States and International Organizations related with the Pandemic Covid-19 The Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (IJP) of the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique and the Portuguese Society of International Law (SPDI), the Portuguese branch of the International Law association (ILA), will  organize an International Conference on the Responsibility of States and International Organizations related with the Pandemic Covid-19, that will take place at the Universidade Portucalense, Porto, on October 30, 2020. This conference aims to promote the thinking, research and scientific debate on a theme that the pandemic and the acts and/or omissions of States and International Organizations has put in the international agenda. This Conference is also intended to promote a scientific exchange within the scope of International Public Law and International  Relations that will allow to deepen international cooperation in the study and investigation of this topic, also in its relationship with the responsibility to protect. In order to pursue this  objective, all interested  parties are invited to submit communication proposals on one of the topics listed below, to be presented at the International Conference or to be published on paper in Revista Jurídica (the legal review of the Universidade Portucalense) and/or in an e-book. All proposals submitted will be scientifically evaluated and four of them will be selected to be orally presented at the Conference, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. All the proposals approved will be published. Every person which present a proposal will be invited to participate in the sessions and the debates either in person or by videoconference. The oral presentation of each of the four communications mentioned above will have a maximum length of 10 minutes. Dates Communications must be submitted by October 20, 2020 and must be sent to Style Rules Languages: Articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish and English By 20 October 2020, 300-word communications abstracts must be submitted. The article must have a maximum of 7500 words and citations must be made using the APSA system. The article must be submitted by 10 December 2020. Themes World Health Organization: competencies, obligations and relations with States Human Security and State Responsibility to Citizens International responsibility of States for non-compliance with their obligations related with the international legal regulations of the WHO. International responsibility of international organizations for non-compliance with their obligations. Organizing Committee Wladimir Brito – Professor at Universidade Portucalense e Director of IJP Manuel Almeida Ribeiro – Professor at ISCSP (Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa) and Presidente of SPDI Fernando Loureiro Bastos – Professor at Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa Patrícia Galvão Teles – Professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and member of CDI Maria de Fátima de Castro Moreira – Professor at Universidade Portucalense and researcher at IJP Daniela Castilho – Professor at Universidade Portucalense and researcher at IJP Scientific Committee Wladimir Brito – Professor at Universidade Portucalense and Director of IJP Manuel Almeida Ribeiro – Professor at ISCSP (Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa) and president of SPDI Fernando Loureiro Bastos – Professor at Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa Patrícia Galvão Teles – Professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa e Membro da CDI Maria de Fátima de Castro Moreira – Professor at Universidade Portucalense and researcher of IJP Daniela Castilho – Professor at Universidade Portucalense and researcher of IJP Maria de Assunção do Vale Pereira – Professor at Universidade do Minho Program October 30th 2020 9.00h-9.30h Reception of the participants 9.30h-10.00h Opening Session 9.30h-9.40h Intervention by the Vice-Rector for research of the UPT – Carlos Brito 9.40h-9.50h Intervention by the President of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional 9.50h-10.00h Intervention by the Director  of the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense  Wladimir Brito First Session – International Responsibility of States 10.00h-10.30h Maria Teresa Ponte Iglesias – Professor at Faculdade de Derecho de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 10.35h-11.05h Cláudia Monge – Professor at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa 11.10h-11.20h Presentation of the first paper 11.20h-11.30h Presentation of the second paper 11.45h-12.00h Coffee Break 12.00h-13.00h Debate 13.00h-14.30h Lunch 15.00h Second Session International Responsibility of International Organizations 15.00h-15.30h Valério de Oliveira Mazzuoli – Professor at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (Brazil) 15.35h-16.05h Sean Murphy – Professor at George Washington University Law School and member of the International Law Comission 16.10h-16.20h Presentation of the third paper 16.20h-16.30h Presentation of the fourth paper 16.30h-17.30h Debate 17.30h-17.45h Closing session

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